Another Indian author won the prestigious Booker Prize.
The debut book "The White tiger" written by Arvind Adiga,
won this highly acclaimed title.

No surprises, that this year prize is also enveloped by
controversies. Some critics says that the book doesn't deserves
that place, some says it does.

In my view the question, or the point is not ,
that, who should have got the prize, neither my intention is to
point a finger on the novel or the author.

The Story describes an Indian , who stepped up from ground
level to the roof, using all those "useful" methods of
cheating and frauds. The book describes India as a country,
which is only filled with people, just like the hero/villain
of the novel.

Before the announcements of the title prize, I never yanked a
chance to read this book, but finally decided to go through it.
And I completely agree with one of the critics, that this book
became a boredom after 70-80 pages. I mean, everytime the same old
cuckoo crap thing was repeated that India is a bullshit.

I understands that Arvind might have tried to bring out an original
novel, but maybe this greed of prizes and royalties forced him to add 200% spices,
well whatever he wrote can't be justified.
I know the facts are that the country is fledged with corruption
and problems, but that doesn't mean that you gotta generalize
everything for your greed.

And Indian Prime Minister , Manmohan Singh congrats Adiga for that prize,
lol, If the PM would have got a second out of those Marxist, atleast then he would
have feel the shame, instead of pride and honor. Congratulations on what ?
Spitting on your own country ? that's weird.

My concern is, why was this book chosen as the prize winner ?
even though I'd favor Amitabh's "Sea of Poppies" over this book ,personally,
but my perspective of concern is different.

The Simple reason that I can stand out is that, people in west,
especially the media out there, have set up a mentality to
show and prove that the third world can never progress.
The Indian English author's are turning into puppets of this feature.

One of the high post officials of the Booker prize said , that this
book "opened my eyes, and has shown me the real face of India ".
My point is, if Amitabh Ghosh , would have done the same, like Arvind Adiga
did in his book, the probability of Amitabh's winning would have increased.
The western society is sponsoring such crap things, you make a mud on
our face, and then they try to convince people out there, "see, it's too bad "

Arundhati Roy, got the same prize for her novel " God of Small things ",
Salman Rushdie got the same prize for his novel " Satanic Verses"
Isn't it that history is being repeated , every then and now ?

And why just these two ? there are so many such meat puppets in Indian
English literature , only the names are changing , trend remains the same.

One of the basic facts is that people coming from west, take snaps of the
"poor India ", "poor people ", why ? isn't this a biased mentality ?
90% stories coming out from China/US/UK are filtered out by the respective
governments, everyday there are so many gang wars and mass killing,
but how much we hear of this thing ? the media out there, never flashes these things.
But ask our English Media, they'll show you the "real " bloody side of India.

The formula of success is in front of you, spit on your own country,
and be successful.


  1. Anonymous  

    November 5, 2008 at 9:15 AM

    its very true
    english author's of india are "Not Indian"
    agree with whtever is said

  2. Raghu  

    November 5, 2008 at 8:21 PM

    Dude, as I have said before it was an insight to the people you probably never have met or spoken in life. And moreover, its a work of friction ..... and I think its highly motivated by Bollywood movies. See any movie of 70's and u will find amitabh doing something similar just more dramatic :) For Example - lawaris.

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